Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands Quiz

1990 American fantasy romance film by Tim Burton

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. Who directed the movie Edward Scissorhands?

Q2. In which year was Edward Scissorhands released?

Q3. Who played the role of Edward Scissorhands?

Q4. What is the name of the suburb where Edward lives?

Q5. What is the name of Edward's inventor?

Q6. What is the name of the Avon saleswoman who befriends Edward?

Q7. What is the name of the dog Edward accidentally cuts with his scissorhands?

Q8. What is the occupation of Edward's neighbor, Esmeralda?

Q9. What object does Edward sculpt ice into, impressing the neighborhood?

Q10. What is the nickname given to Edward by the neighborhood kids?

Q11. What color are Edward's scissorhands?

Q12. What does Edward create for Kim as a gift?

Q13. What is the name of Kim's abusive ex-boyfriend?

Q14. What is Edward afraid of doing with Kim?

Q15. Who tells the story of Edward Scissorhands?

Q16. What is the name of the Avon sales company that Peg works for?

Q17. Who offers Edward a job in his salon?

Q18. What is the color of Edward's mother's hair in a flashback scene?

Q19. What does Edward trim from Joyce's bushes that makes her angry?

Q20. What is the name of the ice angel that Edward creates on the hilltop?

Q21. What is the name of the street where Edward Scissorhands lives?

Q22. How does Edward accidentally kill Jim?

Q23. What does Kim do at the end of the movie when she visits Edward?

Q24. What do the townspeople do to Edward at the end of the movie?

Q25. How does Edward say goodbye to Kim at the end of the movie?