The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street Quiz

2013 film by Martin Scorsese

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. Who directed the film The Wolf of Wall Street?

Q2. Which actor played the lead role of Jordan Belfort in the film?

Q3. The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the true story of which person?

Q4. Which year was The Wolf of Wall Street released?

Q5. In the film, Jordan Belfort's firm was involved in trading which type of securities?

Q6. Who plays Jordan Belfort's business partner, Donnie Azoff?

Q7. What is the name of Jordan Belfort's yacht in the film?

Q8. Who plays Jordan Belfort's first wife, Teresa Petrillo?

Q9. What is Jordan Belfort's catchphrase in the film?

Q10. Which of the following actors did NOT make a cameo appearance in The Wolf of Wall Street?

Q11. Which company did Jordan Belfort start after being released from prison?

Q12. Who wrote the book on which the film The Wolf of Wall Street is based?

Q13. Which car does Jordan Belfort crash during the film?

Q14. Who plays FBI agent Patrick Denham in the film?

Q15. How much money did Jordan Belfort make on his first day working at L.F. Rothschild?

Q16. Which country did Jordan Belfort open a Swiss bank account in?

Q17. What is the name of the FBI agent who investigates Jordan Belfort?

Q18. Which famous movie line is referenced in The Wolf of Wall Street?

Q19. What type of drug does Jordan Belfort become addicted to in the film?

Q20. Which actor won an Academy Award for their performance in The Wolf of Wall Street?

Q21. What is the film's tagline?

Q22. Who was the initial choice to play the lead role of Jordan Belfort before Leonardo DiCaprio?

Q23. What song is playing during the iconic Quaalude scene in the film?

Q24. Which actor narrates the film as Jordan Belfort?