William Wallace

William Wallace Quiz

Scottish knight and leading figure in the First War of Scottish Independence

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. In which year was William Wallace born?

Q2. Which famous Scottish king led the First War of Scottish Independence?

Q3. What was the pivotal battle where William Wallace led his forces to victory?

Q4. What was William Wallace's weapon of choice?

Q5. Who betrayed William Wallace to the English?

Q6. Which English king was ruling during William Wallace's lifetime?

Q7. What was the name of the Scottish knight who assisted Wallace during his revolt?

Q8. Where was William Wallace executed?

Q9. Who played the role of William Wallace in the movie 'Braveheart'?

Q10. What historical event sparked William Wallace's rebellion against the English?

Q11. Which of these is not a famous quote associated with William Wallace?

Q12. Who was the Scottish leader who succeeded William Wallace's revolt?

Q13. What was William Wallace's nickname?

Q14. What is the name of the historical epic film released in 1995, based on William Wallace's life?

Q15. What was the cause of William Wallace's death?

Q16. What was the name of William Wallace's wife?

Q17. What title was awarded to William Wallace by the Scots in 1297?

Q18. How old was William Wallace when he was executed?

Q19. What was the primary goal of William Wallace's revolt?

Q20. What was William Wallace's profession before becoming a rebel leader?

Q21. What emblem was associated with William Wallace's forces?

Q22. What famous battle did William Wallace not participate in?

Q23. What is the name of the historian who wrote the biography 'William Wallace: The King's Enemy'?

Q24. Which nation did William Wallace's rebellion against the English inspire?