Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock Quiz

English filmmaker (1899–1980)

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. What is the title of Alfred Hitchcock's first feature film?

Q2. Which Alfred Hitchcock film features a famous scene with a murder in the shower?

Q3. In which film did Alfred Hitchcock make a cameo appearance carrying a double bass?

Q4. Which actress starred in three Alfred Hitchcock films: Rear Window, Dial M for Murder, and To Catch a Thief?

Q5. What is the name of the famous staircase sequence in the film Vertigo?

Q6. Which film is known for its iconic shot of a crop duster plane chasing the main character?

Q7. Who starred as the lead in Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds?

Q8. In which city is the majority of the film Rear Window set?

Q9. What is the name of the haunted hotel in the film Psycho?

Q10. Which Alfred Hitchcock film is famous for its dolly zoom shot?

Q11. Which film features the famous line 'We all go a little mad sometimes'?

Q12. In Dial M for Murder, what object is used as a murder weapon?

Q13. Which film did Alfred Hitchcock consider to be his personal favorite?

Q14. Which film features a murder that takes place during a tennis match?

Q15. What is the occupation of the main character in the film Vertigo?

Q16. Which film features a famous scene where a woman is attacked by a flock of birds?

Q17. What is the name of the main character in the film North by Northwest?

Q18. Which actress plays the dual role of Madeleine Elster and Judy Barton in the film Vertigo?

Q19. In which film does a murder take place on a train?

Q20. Which film features a famous scene where a man falls from the Statue of Liberty?

Q21. What is the occupation of the main character in the film Rear Window?

Q22. Which film did Alfred Hitchcock direct immediately before Psycho?

Q23. Which film is known for its famous dinner party scene with poisoned wine?

Q24. Who composed the iconic score for the film Psycho?

Q25. In which film does a man believe his wife is a spy?