Marion Crane

Marion Crane Quiz

Fictional character from the 1959 novel Psycho; portrayed by Janet Leigh in the 1960 film

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. In which Alfred Hitchcock movie does Marion Crane appear?

Q2. Who portrays Marion Crane in the film Psycho?

Q3. In Psycho, where does Marion Crane work?

Q4. What does Marion Crane steal in the movie Psycho?

Q5. Who is Marion Crane's boyfriend in Psycho?

Q6. What is the name of Marion Crane's sister in Psycho?

Q7. Which character kills Marion Crane in the movie Psycho?

Q8. Where is the Bates Motel located in the film Psycho?

Q9. What is the famous shower scene known for in Psycho?

Q10. Who composed the iconic score for the movie Psycho?

Q11. What is the name of Norman Bates' mother in Psycho?

Q12. Which character says the famous line, 'A boy's best friend is his mother' in Psycho?

Q13. What is the occupation of Marion Crane's sister in Psycho?

Q14. Who investigates Marion Crane's disappearance in Psycho?

Q15. What is the term often used to describe the distinctive visual style of Alfred Hitchcock in Psycho?

Q16. How much money does Marion Crane steal in Psycho?

Q17. What is the occupation of Norman Bates in Psycho?

Q18. Who directed the movie Psycho?

Q19. Which Hitchcock movie is famous for the line 'We all go a little mad sometimes'?

Q20. What is the occupation of Marion Crane in Psycho?

Q21. Who discovers Marion Crane's body in Psycho?

Q22. How many sequels were made to the original movie Psycho?

Q23. Which famous landmark features prominently in the final scene of Psycho?

Q24. Who wrote the novel on which the movie Psycho is based?

Q25. What is the basis for Norman Bates' split personality in Psycho?