A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men Quiz

1992 American legal drama film by Rob Reiner

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. Who directed the film A Few Good Men?

Q2. Which actor played the role of Lt. Daniel Kaffee in the film?

Q3. In which year was A Few Good Men released?

Q4. Who played the character of Col. Nathan R. Jessup?

Q5. What is the famous line from the film: 'You can't handle the truth!'?

Q6. Who played the character of Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson?

Q7. What is the rank of Lt. Joanne Galloway?

Q8. What is the nickname given to the Marines accused of the murder?

Q9. Which actor played the role of Lt. Sam Weinberg?

Q10. What is the location of the U.S. military base in the film?

Q11. Who is the author of the play A Few Good Men?

Q12. What is the name of the military lawyer who co-defends the accused Marines?

Q13. Which branch of the U.S. military is the film primarily focused on?

Q14. What is the name of the U.S. military unit that the accused Marines belong to?

Q15. What is the name of the Marine who died at Guantanamo Bay?

Q16. What is the name of the defense attorney who was initially assigned to the case?

Q17. What is the main charge against the accused Marines?

Q18. What is the name of the judge in the trial?

Q19. Which actor played the role of Capt. Jack Ross?

Q20. What is the potential sentence for the accused Marines if found guilty?

Q21. What is the name of the famous military rights activist who appears in the film?

Q22. What is the nickname given to Lt. Kaffee due to his plea-bargaining tendencies?

Q23. What is the name of the marine who challenges Lt. Kaffee in court?

Q24. Where does the film's famous courtroom scene take place?

Q25. What is the resolution of the case?