The Matrix

The Matrix Quiz

1999 film by the Wachowskis

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. What year was The Matrix released?

Q2. Who directed The Matrix?

Q3. What is the name of the main protagonist in The Matrix?

Q4. Which pill does Neo take in The Matrix?

Q5. What is the name of the simulated reality in The Matrix?

Q6. Who plays the role of Morpheus in The Matrix?

Q7. Which famous martial arts choreographer worked on The Matrix?

Q8. What is the real name of Trinity in The Matrix?

Q9. What does the red pill do in The Matrix?

Q10. Which actress plays the role of Trinity in The Matrix?

Q11. Who is the main antagonist in The Matrix?

Q12. What is Neo's real name in The Matrix?

Q13. Which martial arts muscle memory training program does Neo download into his brain?

Q14. What is the iconic line spoken by Morpheus in The Matrix?

Q15. What is the name of the group of rebels led by Morpheus in The Matrix?

Q16. Who is Agent Smith's superior in The Matrix?

Q17. What is the name of the virtual training program in The Matrix?

Q18. What is the name of the AI ruler of the Matrix in The Matrix Reloaded?

Q19. Who famously does a bullet-time dodge in The Matrix?

Q20. What is the defining code name given to Neo by the Matrix hackers?

Q21. Which character famously proclaims, "Ignorance is bliss" in The Matrix?

Q22. What is the name of the resistance ship in The Matrix?

Q23. Which character betrays the group to help the Agents in The Matrix?

Q24. What is the name of the code term used to alert Zion of an imminent machine attack?

Q25. Who is the Keymaker helping in The Matrix Reloaded?