Q1. Which court is the highest in the United States?Supreme CourtCircuit Court of AppealsCourt of Federal ClaimsDistrict Court
Q2. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?Ruth Bader GinsburgClarence ThomasJohn G. Roberts Jr.Sonia Sotomayor
Q6. Who is the current longest-serving Supreme Court justice?Stephen BreyerSamuel AlitoElena KaganClarence Thomas
Q7. Which amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial?First AmendmentFourth AmendmentSixth AmendmentEighth Amendment
Q8. What is the highest federal court below the Supreme Court?Circuit Court of AppealsCourt of Federal ClaimsDistrict CourtBankruptcy Court
Q9. What is the term for a federal judge's rejection of a law?ConfirmationAppealNullificationAcquittal
Q10. Which court hears appeals from the district courts?Supreme CourtBankruptcy CourtCourt of Federal ClaimsCircuit Court of Appeals
Q11. Who was the first female Supreme Court justice?Ruth Bader GinsburgSonia SotomayorElena KaganSandra Day O'Connor
Q12. Which court has the power of judicial review?Supreme CourtCourt of Federal ClaimsDistrict CourtCircuit Court of Appeals
Q13. Who was the first African American Supreme Court justice?Samuel AlitoNeil GorsuchThurgood MarshallClarence Thomas
Q14. What is the term for a Supreme Court order to send up records for review?Writ of Habeas CorpusWrit of CertiorariWrit of MandamusWrit of Prohibition
Q15. Which court handles cases involving disputes between states or the federal government?District CourtCourt of Federal ClaimsCircuit Court of AppealsSupreme Court