Q1. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the powers of the executive branch?Article IVArticle IIArticle IIIArticle I
Q2. Which article of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch?Article IVArticle IIIArticle IIArticle I
Q3. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the amendment process?Article VArticle VIIArticle VIIIArticle VI
Q4. Which article of the United States Constitution establishes the judicial branch?Article VArticle VIArticle IIIArticle IV
Q5. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the relationship between the federal and state governments?Article VArticle VIArticle VIIArticle IV
Q6. Which article of the United States Constitution establishes the supremacy of federal law?Article VArticle IVArticle VIArticle VII
Q7. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for ratifying the Constitution?Article VIArticle VArticle IVArticle VII
Q8. Which article of the United States Constitution requires all states to honor the laws and court rulings of other states?Article VArticle IVArticle VIIArticle VI
Q9. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for amending the Constitution?Article VArticle VIIIArticle VIIArticle VI
Q10. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the qualifications and powers of the President?Article IIArticle IArticle IVArticle III
Q11. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the powers of Congress?Article IArticle IIArticle IVArticle III
Q12. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for electing the President?Article IIIArticle IVArticle IArticle II
Q13. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for confirming Supreme Court justices?Article IVArticle IIIArticle IIArticle I
Q14. Which article of the United States Constitution establishes the process for impeachment?Article IArticle IVArticle IIArticle III
Q15. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for declaring war?Article IVArticle IIArticle IIIArticle I
Q16. Which article of the United States Constitution outlines the process for adding new states to the Union?Article VIArticle VIIArticle VArticle IV
Q17. Which article of the United States Constitution establishes the process for electing members of Congress?Article IArticle IVArticle IIArticle III