Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Quiz

1977 American film by George Lucas

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. Who is Luke Skywalker's father?

Q2. What is the name of the small spherical droid that accompanies Luke Skywalker?

Q3. Who is the main antagonist in the movie?

Q4. What type of weapon is used by the Jedi?

Q5. What is the nickname given to the Death Star's superlaser?

Q6. Who is Princess Leia's adoptive father?

Q7. What is the name of Han Solo's ship?

Q8. Who is the wookiee co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon?

Q9. What is the color of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber?

Q10. Who is the commander of the Death Star?

Q11. What is the name of the Force-guided energy field used by the Jedi and Sith?

Q12. Who is the leader of the Rebel Alliance in the movie?

Q13. What is the species of Yoda?

Q14. Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi's master?

Q15. Who said the famous line, 'May the Force be with you'?

Q16. What vehicle is primarily used by the Imperial forces for ground assault?

Q17. Which character famously exclaims, 'It's a trap!'?

Q18. What is the name of Darth Vader's starfighter?

Q19. Who delivers the fatal shot that destroys the Death Star battlestation?

Q20. What is the name of the cantina located in Mos Eisley?

Q21. Who is the commander of the Rebel base on Yavin IV?

Q22. What character loses an arm in the cantina fight?

Q23. Whose DNA was used to create the army of clone troopers?

Q24. What is the name of the stormtrooper who refuses to kill the droids on Tatooine?