The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Quiz

2003 film by Peter Jackson

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. Who is the main protagonist of The Return of the King?

Q2. What is the name of the kingdom ruled by Aragorn?

Q3. Who is the primary antagonist in The Return of the King?

Q4. What object does Frodo carry that must be destroyed in Mount Doom?

Q5. Who is the king of the Rohirrim?

Q6. Who kills the Witch-king of Angmar?

Q7. Who leads the army of the Dead in the Battle of Minas Tirith?

Q8. Who becomes the new steward of Gondor?

Q9. Who boards the ship with Frodo at the end of the movie?

Q10. Who is the leader of the Uruk-hai army at Helm's Deep?

Q11. What is the name of the giant spider that captures Frodo?

Q12. Who kills Denethor?

Q13. Who does Frodo appoint as the new Ring-bearer?

Q14. Who says the famous line, 'My precioussss'?

Q15. Who is the Lord of the Nazgul?

Q16. Who destroys the Ring in Mount Doom?

Q17. What does Gandalf the White use to break Saruman's staff?

Q18. Who is the mastermind behind Frodo and Sam's journey to Mordor?

Q19. What is the name of the creature that pulls Gandalf's cart?

Q20. Who is the father of Boromir and Faramir?

Q21. Who is the captain of the Corsairs of Umbar?

Q22. What is the name of the Ents' forest?

Q23. Who declares himself the king of Gondor after Denethor's death?

Q24. Who is the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring?