Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen Quiz

Fictional character in the Twilight series

This quiz has 26 questions

Q1. In the Twilight series, who plays the character of Edward Cullen?

Q2. What is Edward Cullen's unique ability?

Q3. What color are Edward Cullen's eyes?

Q4. What is the name of Edward Cullen's adoptive sister?

Q5. Who is Edward Cullen's biological father?

Q6. Where does Edward Cullen and his family reside?

Q7. What is the name of Edward Cullen's daughter?

Q8. What vampire clan does Edward Cullen belong to?

Q9. Who is Edward Cullen's adoptive mother?

Q10. What is Edward Cullen's skin color?

Q11. What specialty of medicine does Edward Cullen practice?

Q12. What instrument does Edward Cullen play?

Q13. Who famously said to Edward Cullen, 'You are my life now'?

Q14. What is the supernatural creature that Edward Cullen is?

Q15. What color is Edward Cullen's hair?

Q16. Who is Edward Cullen's best friend?

Q17. What is Edward Cullen's birth year?

Q18. Who bit and turned Edward Cullen into a vampire?

Q19. What is Edward Cullen's favorite animal to hunt as a vampire?

Q20. What is the name of the first book in the Twilight series?

Q21. What is Edward Cullen's favorite type of music?

Q22. What is the name of the high school that Edward Cullen attends?

Q23. What is Edward Cullen's favorite type of blood?

Q24. Who plays Edward Cullen in the Twilight film series?

Q25. What is Edward Cullen's favorite season?

Q26. What is the name of Edward Cullen's adoptive brother?