
Merrill Hess

Merrill Hess Quiz

This quiz has 23 questions

Q1. What is Merrill Hess' occupation in the movie Signs?

Q2. Who plays the character of Merrill Hess in the movie Signs?

Q3. What is Merrill's brother's name in the movie Signs?

Q4. In Signs, what is Merrill's nephew's name?

Q5. What does Merrill do to cope with his brother's death in the movie Signs?

Q6. Who directed the movie Signs?

Q7. What is the main plot of the movie Signs?

Q8. Which sport did Merrill Hess play professionally?

Q9. What is Merrill's nickname in the movie Signs?

Q10. What is the primary fear or phobia that Merrill mentions having in the movie Signs?

Q11. Who is the main antagonist in the movie Signs that Merrill and his family have to deal with?

Q12. What is the famous line from Merrill in the movie Signs?

Q13. In Signs, what was Merrill's position in the minor league baseball team he played for?

Q14. What motivates Merrill to believe the signs in the movie Signs?

Q15. What type of alien does Merrill encounter in the movie Signs?

Q16. What unique talent does Merrill have in the movie Signs?

Q17. What is Merrill's general attitude towards the supernatural in the movie Signs?

Q18. Who serves as Merrill's voice of reason in the movie Signs?

Q19. In the movie Signs, Merrill's dog meets a tragic end. What happens to the dog?

Q20. What is Merrill and Graham's realization about the aliens in the movie Signs?

Q21. Which of the following objects became a crucial weapon for Merrill against the aliens in Signs?

Q22. What happens to Merrill when his nephew Morgan is trapped in a closet with an alien in the movie Signs?

Q23. How does Merrill communicate with the aliens in Signs?