Franklin Pierce

Franklin Pierce Quiz

President of the United States from 1853 to 1857

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. In which year was Franklin Pierce inaugurated as the 14th President of the United States?

Q2. Which political party did Franklin Pierce belong to?

Q3. What was Franklin Pierce's nickname?

Q4. Which state was Franklin Pierce from?

Q5. Who was Franklin Pierce's vice president?

Q6. Which war did Franklin Pierce serve in as a brigadier general?

Q7. Who did Franklin Pierce defeat to become the Democratic nominee for president in 1852?

Q8. What is the name of Franklin Pierce's wife?

Q9. Which major legislation was signed into law during Franklin Pierce's presidency?

Q10. What event led to the Ostend Manifesto, a controversial document associated with Franklin Pierce's presidency?

Q11. Which Supreme Court case was decided during Franklin Pierce's presidency, declaring that African Americans were not citizens of the United States?

Q12. During Franklin Pierce's presidency, the Gadsden Purchase was made from which country?

Q13. Which major infrastructure project was initiated during Franklin Pierce's presidency, aiming to connect the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States?

Q14. True or False: Franklin Pierce was the first president to have a Christmas tree in the White House.

Q15. Which tragic event occurred during Franklin Pierce's presidency, leading to the deaths of nearly 200 settlers in a Native American attack?

Q16. What was the central issue that divided the Democratic Party during Franklin Pierce's presidency?

Q17. At the time of Franklin Pierce's presidency, who was the British monarch?

Q18. Which U.S. state was admitted to the Union during Franklin Pierce's presidency, becoming the 32nd state?

Q19. Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during Franklin Pierce's presidency?

Q20. Which military academy did Franklin Pierce graduate from?

Q21. Franklin Pierce is the only president from which New England state?

Q22. Who wrote Franklin Pierce's biography titled 'Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills'?

Q23. Which national park, known for its granite cliffs and mountains, is found in New Hampshire, Franklin Pierce's home state?

Q24. What was the political party affiliation of Franklin Pierce's vice president, William R. King?

Q25. Franklin Pierce served as the president of which Ivy League college after his presidency?