The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski Quiz

1998 film by Joel and Ethan Coen

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. What is the first name of the main character, The Dude?

Q2. What is the full name of The Dude?

Q3. What is the occupation of The Dude?

Q4. What does The Dude drink throughout the movie?

Q5. What does The Dude use as his bowling alias?

Q6. Who kidnaps Bunny Lebowski?

Q7. What object is constantly present in The Dude's car?

Q8. What crime did the Big Lebowski commit according to The Dude?

Q9. What does The Dude wear as his signature attire?

Q10. What is the name of the rival bowling team?

Q11. What is the company that Walter previously worked for?

Q12. What is the name of The Dude's landlord?

Q13. Who is the millionaire who shares the same last name as The Dude?

Q14. What kind of pet did Larry Sellers allegedly kidnap?

Q15. What item was used to ransom Bunny Lebowski?

Q16. What is The Dude's mantra?

Q17. What is the name of the porno film that The Dude discovers Bunny was involved in?

Q18. Who is the Big Lebowski's young trophy wife?

Q19. What country did The Dude serve in during the Vietnam War?

Q20. What does Walter take out of the briefcase he mistakes for ransom money?

Q21. Who is the Jesus?

Q22. What White Russian cocktail ingredient does The Dude frequently run out of?

Q23. What is the name of the private investigator hired to find Bunny Lebowski?

Q24. Who is The Stranger?