Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne Quiz

Fictional character in novels by Robert Ludlum

This quiz has 25 questions

Q1. What is Jason Bourne's real name?

Q2. In which movie does Jason Bourne first appear?

Q3. Who plays the role of Jason Bourne in the movies?

Q4. What is Jason Bourne's primary weapon of choice?

Q5. Who is Jason Bourne's main antagonist throughout the series?

Q6. What skill does Jason Bourne possess that helps him evade capture?

Q7. Who directed 'The Bourne Identity'?

Q8. Which intelligence agency is responsible for creating Jason Bourne?

Q9. What is the name of the elite training program Jason Bourne completed?

Q10. What is Jason Bourne's birthdate?

Q11. What is the primary memory problem Jason Bourne suffers from?

Q12. Who does Jason Bourne discover was responsible for his first failed mission?

Q13. What is the nickname given to Jason Bourne by the media?

Q14. In which city does the final chase scene take place in 'The Bourne Ultimatum'?

Q15. What is the name of Jason Bourne's love interest in the movies?

Q16. What is the name of the program that replaces Treadstone in 'The Bourne Legacy'?

Q17. Who directed 'The Bourne Supremacy'?

Q18. What is the name of the female assassin sent to eliminate Bourne in 'The Bourne Identity'?

Q19. Which of the following government agencies is NOT involved in hunting down Jason Bourne?

Q20. What is the primary setting for 'The Bourne Ultimatum'?

Q21. In which movie does Jason Bourne face off against a fellow Treadstone agent?

Q22. Who is the primary actor playing the role of Jason Bourne in 'The Bourne Identity'?

Q23. What is the name of the CIA agent who becomes sympathetic towards Bourne?

Q24. What is the code phrase that triggers Jason Bourne's programming?

Q25. How many films are in the original Jason Bourne series?