Jack Torrance

Jack Torrance Quiz

Fictional character in The Shining

This quiz has 26 questions

Q1. In which movie does Jack Torrance appear as a character?

Q2. Who plays the role of Jack Torrance in the movie 'The Shining'?

Q3. Which year was 'The Shining' released?

Q4. In 'The Shining', what is the name of the hotel Jack Torrance becomes the caretaker of?

Q5. Who directed the movie 'The Shining'?

Q6. Which Stephen King novel is 'The Shining' based on?

Q7. What is the name of Jack Torrance's wife in 'The Shining'?

Q8. What is the name of Jack Torrance's son in 'The Shining'?

Q9. What does Jack Torrance use to break through the bathroom door in 'The Shining'?

Q10. Which catchphrase is associated with Jack Torrance in 'The Shining'?

Q11. What job does Jack Torrance take in 'The Shining'?

Q12. What is the nickname given to Danny's psychic abilities in 'The Shining'?

Q13. What does Jack Torrance type repeatedly in 'The Shining'?

Q14. What does Jack see and communicate with in 'The Shining'?

Q15. What is the famous room number where creepy events occur in 'The Shining'?

Q16. What does Jack Torrance freeze to death outside in 'The Shining'?

Q17. What makes Jack Torrance go mad in 'The Shining'?

Q18. What role does the previous caretaker, Delbert Grady, play in 'The Shining'?

Q19. Which character says, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' in 'The Shining'?

Q20. What happens to Jack Torrance at the end of 'The Shining'?

Q21. What is the running time of the movie 'The Shining'?

Q22. What is the original title of the movie 'The Shining'?

Q23. What is the age rating of the movie 'The Shining'?

Q24. Which character uses a tricycle in 'The Shining'?

Q25. What does Danny use to communicate with his imaginary friend in 'The Shining'?

Q26. What is the title of Stanley Kubrick's first film in which Jack Torrance appears?