
Holly Golightly

Holly Golightly Quiz

Movie Character

This quiz has 26 questions

Q1. What is the name of the character played by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's?

Q2. What is the profession of Holly Golightly in the movie?

Q3. Who wrote the novel on which the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's is based?

Q4. Which year was Breakfast at Tiffany's released?

Q5. Who directed the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's?

Q6. What is Holly Golightly's real name in the movie?

Q7. What famous landmark does Holly Golightly visit in the movie?

Q8. Who is Holly Golightly's neighbor in the movie?

Q9. What song does Holly Golightly sing in her apartment window?

Q10. What is Holly Golightly's signature color?

Q11. Which of the following is NOT a pet cat of Holly Golightly in the movie?

Q12. What is the final line spoken by Holly Golightly in the movie?

Q13. Who originally composed the song 'Moon River'?

Q14. Which actor portrays the character of Paul Varjak in the movie?

Q15. What is the name of the author in the movie whom Holly Golightly meets?

Q16. Who is Holly Golightly's love interest in the movie?

Q17. What is the name of Holly Golightly's ex-husband in the movie?

Q18. Which famous jewelry item does Holly Golightly wear in the beginning of the movie?

Q19. What is the name of Holly Golightly's cat in the movie?

Q20. What is Holly Golightly's catchphrase in the movie?

Q21. What is the age difference between Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak in the movie?

Q22. What is the name of Holly Golightly's agent in the movie?

Q23. In which city does the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's primarily take place?

Q24. What is the name of the cocktail that Holly Golightly drinks in the movie?

Q25. What famous jewelry store does Holly Golightly visit in the movie?

Q26. What is the name of the man who becomes Holly Golightly's lover in the movie?