Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller Quiz

1986 teen comedy film by John Hughes

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. What year was Ferris Bueller's Day Off released?

Q2. Who directed Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

Q3. Which actor played the role of Ferris Bueller?

Q4. What is the name of Ferris' girlfriend in the movie?

Q5. What high school does Ferris attend in the movie?

Q6. What is Principal Rooney's first name?

Q7. What type of car does Ferris convince Cameron to use for their day off?

Q8. What is the name of Ferris' sister in the movie?

Q9. What song plays during the famous parade scene in the movie?

Q10. What excuse does Ferris give for his absence when speaking to the school principal?

Q11. What is the name of the snooty maitre d' at the fancy restaurant?

Q12. What subject does Ferris convince his friends to join him in skipping?

Q13. What does the license plate on Cameron's father's car say?

Q14. Which Chicago landmark do Ferris and his friends visit during their day off?

Q15. What prank does Ferris play on his parents toward the end of the movie?

Q16. What famous line does Ferris say near the beginning of the movie?

Q17. What animal does Cameron's dad have in his office?

Q18. What song plays during the credits of the movie?

Q19. What does Ferris do just before the end credits roll?

Q20. What is the name of the secretary who lets Rooney into the Bueller house?

Q21. What is the name of the popular Chicago band featured in the movie's parade scene?

Q22. How many times does Mr. Rooney attempt to catch Ferris throughout the movie?

Q23. Who sings the song 'Twist and Shout' in the parade scene?

Q24. What is Cameron's full name?