2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey Quiz

1968 film directed by Stanley Kubrick

This quiz has 24 questions

Q1. Who directed the film 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Q2. When was 2001: A Space Odyssey released?

Q3. What is the main theme music called?

Q4. What object does the main character Dave Bowman encounter near Jupiter?

Q5. What is the name of the computer aboard the spaceship Discovery?

Q6. What is the mission of the spaceship Discovery?

Q7. Which planet is the spaceship Discovery heading towards?

Q8. What year does the first part of the film take place in?

Q9. What is the job of the character Frank Poole aboard the spaceship Discovery?

Q10. Who wrote the novel on which the film is based?

Q11. What does the monolith do when it is exposed to sunlight on the Moon?

Q12. What song plays during the docking sequence?

Q13. What is the last word spoken in the film?

Q14. What is the name of the space station seen in the beginning of the film?

Q15. What is the main character's full name?

Q16. What is the name of the mission leader aboard the spaceship Discovery?

Q17. What is the result of HAL's malfunction?

Q18. What is the name of the last part of the film set in a mysterious white room?

Q19. Which of the following is not seen in the film?

Q20. What is the length of the black monolith found on the Moon?

Q21. What happens to Dave Bowman near the end of the film?

Q22. What is the name of the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Q23. What is the running time of the film?

Q24. What is the name of the character who says 'I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.'?